Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Political News

Our illustrious governor, Eliot Spitzer, was apparently caught on tape soliciting a prostitute in a prostitute ring in D.C. This, after he ran as a champion of removing corruption in our oh-so-corrupt New York state government.

While everyone seems to be really shocked (he apparently had everyone fooled into thinking he was squeaky clean), I am not. Not because I have some inside info on Spitzer, but mainly because there is no one I trust less than a politician.

Two things I don't understand:

-Why, oh why, would you solicit a prostitute if you were the governor? Can't you just have an affair or get a divorce and sleep around or something, besides PAYING for sex?

-Why would his wife go on stage and stand behind him while he gives a press conference confirming what everyone already knows at this point, that he not only cheated on her, but it was with a prostitute in a prostitution ring? Why would she stand behind him and "support" him while he announces to the whole country how he screwed a prostitute and now his career and possibly his marriage are over? Wouldn't it be better for her to have her own press conference where she announced to everyone what a jackass he is? At least, that is what I would do.

Read more about this story here.

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